云抗疫︱相知无远近万里尚为邻:15名音乐剧演员激情演绎《We Are The World》传递希望送上祝愿

在疫情特殊时期,上海音乐剧艺术中心召集了15位音乐剧演员,在沉寂已久的剧场,共同唱响《We Are The World》。熟悉的南京东路步行街、外滩、外白渡桥,美丽的黄浦江、东方明珠,久违的时装商厦,在动听的演唱中闪现,温暖尽显。

We Are the World

The period of this global pandemic is a very special time for us all. Because the Shanghai Musical Art Center thinks it is important to come together to be stronger, they have invited fifteen musical performers to sing "We Are the World". Their joint performance shows warmth and comfort. Enjoy!#wearetheworld #Shanghai

Geplaatst door China Cultural Center in Brussels op Dinsdag 16 juni 2020