Chinese language group classes

Starting from January 10, 2025, we are updating our Terms & Conditions related to the classes held at the China Cultural Center in Brussels. You can now view the updated Terms & Conditions by checking the latest version of the registration form. If you wish to register for a course, we kindly invite you to read and accept them by signing on the last page of the form.
This semester, all our Chinese classes for adults will commence during the week of February 10 and conclude during the week of June 9. The semester consists of 36 hours, with classes scheduled once per week for 2 hours each. The enrollment period starts on January 10 and ends on February 9.
The course will be conducted online during the Carnival and Spring school holidays, from February 24 to March 9, and from April 28 to May 11.
- Beginner 2 (Book: New Practical Chinese Reader 1, 3rd edition)
Monday 12:30 – 14:30 (Prof. Lin) This course will be held in English.
Tuesday 18:30 – 20:30 (Prof. Luo ) This course will be held in English.
From February to June, the Beginner Level 2 class will continue studying New Practical Chinese Reader 1, covering lessons 5 to 8.
- Intermediate 2 (Book: New Practical Chinese Reader 2, 3rd edition)
Monday 18:30 – 20:30 (Prof. Lin) This course will be held in English.
Tuesday 12:30 – 14:30 (Prof. Xiao) This course will be held in French.
From February to June , the Intermediate Level 2 class will continue studying New Practical Chinese Reader 2, covering lessons 13 to 16.
- Advanced 4 (Book: New Practical Chinese Reader 4, 2nd Edition)
Tuesday 18:30 – 20:30(Prof. Lin) This course will be given in English.
From February to June, the Advanced Level 4 class will continue studying the New Practical Chinese Reader 4, from lesson 44 to 50.
- Advanced 6 (Book: New Practical Chinese Reader 5, 1st Edition)
Tuesday 12:30 – 14:30 (Prof. Lin) This course will be given in English.
From February to June, the Advanced Level 6 class will continue studying New Practical Chinese Reader 5, from lesson 56 to 60.
Throughout this semester, if needed, registered students may apply to borrow textbooks from the Center. It is possible to take the borrowed books home after class and return them at the end of the semester. Please contact the Center via email or visit our reception to obtain the application form.
Trial class & Info session
If you wish to know which class is more suitable for you or want to understand the pace of the course, the Center will be organizing free trial and information sessions on January 27 and 30, where students will have the opportunity to communicate directly with the teachers. Please note that participation in these sessions does not guarantee a spot in the course unless the registration fee is paid and confirmed.
The planned dates are:
- Beginner class with Mrs. Luo, 16:00 – 18:00, January 30,
(Information & communication only) This session will be held in English.
- Intermediate classes with Mrs. Xiao, 12:30 – 14:30, January 27
This session will be held in French.
- Advanced classes with Ms. Lin, 12:30 – 14:30, January 31
This session will be held in English.
Registration fee: €200 (18 weeks, 36 hours of class). A minimum of 9 students is required to open a class.
To register, please read and complete the registration form below and send it by email to We will respond with our bank details for payment upon receiving your document. Please send us proof of payment before the end of the registration period to confirm your registration. We kindly request that registration fees be paid within the specified timeframe to avoid any penalties.
The actual status of the courses depends on the number of enrollments. Please make sure to read the Terms & Conditions carefully before signing the registration form.
For additional information about the classes:
+32 (0)2 704 40 21